
This winter, unusually virulent flu outbreaks have hit almost every populated area in all fifty states. Total economic losses due to missed workdays are being measured in the billions, and it seems like very few of us will be spared before the wave moves past. If you happen to be reading this while looking out over a sea of empty cubicles, it may be too late to save your company this year. But you still have next year to think aboute. And if the flu hasn’t yet arrived in your workplace, you still have a chance to minimize the damage by keeping a few tips in mind.

Focus on Employee Wellness during Cold and Flu Season

1. When the flu hits, discourage a culture of heroism. Employees who “push through” or struggle into work despite coughing, headaches, and nausea aren’t doing anyone any favors, and they certainly aren’t rescuing the company. When employees are sick, send them home, and don’t suggest or imply that they deserve a medal for showing up. 

2. Take hand hygiene seriously. You may not be able to prevent excessive hand shaking, document handling, or pen sharing, but you can fight back by keeping alcohol based hand sanitizers on every surface around the office. Keep one at the reception desk, one in the break room, and a few in every lavatory. Consider distributing them so employees can each keep one at their desks.

3. Periodically treat high traffic surfaces with hand sanitizer. These include door knobs, elevator buttons, stair rails and the keys on shared photocopy and fax machines.

4. Hold team meetings to discuss germ prevention. Explain to employees that they must go home if they feel ill, and demonstrate proper coughing and sneezing behavior—into the crook of the arm, not the hands.

5. During flu season, try to share paper documents electronically whenever possible.

6. Don’t neglect other aspects of winter safety and wellness. For example, make sure all icy walks around the building are properly cleared, and be ready to deal with the problems that arise from tight buildings and closed air circulation, including respiratory problems, headaches and sinus infections. 

7. Make stress management a priority. If you have an important event or deadline approaching and stress levels are rising, don’t let all of your key players stumble into bed right before they reach the finish line. Be aware that stress can lower immunity and exacerbate cold and flu outbreaks.
The most important employee wellness tip is simple: Take it seriously, and don’t rely on luck or fate to carry you through the season. For more detailed information on controlling germs in your workplace, reach out the Texas staffing and business management team at Expert.

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