
It’s no secret that in today’s job market, the only really truly secure workers are those who are comfortable with insecurity. As layoffs become a common way for companies to stay efficient during lean times, these dismissals come with short term benefits to the organization and long term costs to the general concept of employee loyalty. Over the years, this concept has eroded away almost completely, and at this point most hiring contracts are at-will agreements, and almost all employer-employee relationships are fragile and circumstantial. 

Smart, flexible and resilient employees have learned that in this modern world, the best form of job security comes from a strong social and professional network. The number and quality of contacts in an address list may very well form the dividing line between a thriving career and lifelong professional struggle. So what does this mean for employers? In a world where employees are tied in and kept on track by human networks and meta-workplace relationships, how can you make sure you find the most talented job seekers before they’re scooped up via a connection with the best friend of a former client’s former roommate?

Networking Keeps Employees Secure and it can do the Same for You

The first step to this process is simple: tap in. As a hiring manager, your network can help you advance your own career, but it can also help you find and source the most talented employees and the ones who are the most likely to adapt to your workplace culture. Who better to find and recommend new workers than the workers you already have? Make sure you keep your social antenna attuned to any connection with potential new talent, and to do this, make use of both online and offline frequencies. Turn your current employees into unofficial recruiters, and you’ll have access to top talent before you even publicize your open position.

Second, understand your options. Are you familiar with LinkedIn? Probably. But how familiar are you with Hubspot, Twitter, and Pinterest? How much do you know about online gathering places for talented professionals in your industry? And in the offline world, how connected are you to industry organizations, networking groups, trade groups and social organizations in your field? Establish a presence in each of these hot spots, and if you can’t do this or don’t have time, get help.

A digital marketing firm can help you expand your recruiting efforts online. And a real-world staffing agency with long established connections in your field can help you navigate the social web and make a beeline for the talented candidate you need on the day she starts looking for work. Reach out to the staffing pros at Expert—We have the tools and the resources you need to maximize your network and tilt the odds in your favor.

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