
Visit our news page regularly for the latest in best practices for hiring and managing staff, tips to guide your job search and industry developments.


During the resume review and interview process, the conversation between an employer and a potential employee flows in two directions. But unfortunately, too many employers don’t recognize the balance of this equation. While candidates strive to impress, these employers tend to lean back and take a evaluative role. If they fall into this trap, they… Read more »


When you need to hire more pairs of hands to handle your expanding workload and the needs of your growing company, which is the more cost effective choice: Paying overtime to your current teams so they can stay late and get the job done? Or hiring new teams of employees? The answer will depend on… Read more »


You’ve found a post for a job you’d like to pursue…and this time, you’re serious. You know this position is meant for you, and you can feel your heart speed up a bit as you read through each detail of the job description. You have at least half of the qualifications you need (if not… Read more »


You need to take on new staff, there’s no doubt about this. Your business is growing, your orders are increasing, and you need a few more pairs of hands on deck. In order to keep your company running, you also need periodic replacements for the staff members who leave or retire. But adding more names… Read more »


Reference checks play a traditional role in the candidate selection process, but like many corporate traditions, this ritual has taken a hit and fallen somewhat out of favor in a busy, modern, digital age. For many hiring managers and HR teams, the logic works something like this: A) References should be requested, but since it… Read more »


Are your interviews supporting your hiring process, or undermining your efforts by alienating your most talented candidates? When you invite an applicant in for an interview, are you paying attention to the impression you make? Or are you only interested in assessing the candidate? Far too often, managers think of the interview as a one… Read more »


You’re about to step into a new position in an unfamiliar workplace, and you’re ready to hit this thing hard. You know that the impression you make during your first few weeks will have a powerful impact on your long term success, and you know the basic requirements of your position—But there are plenty to… Read more »


You already know that it’s a good idea to search for signs of cultural adaptability as you sift through your candidate pool. Countless HR studies and employer surveys suggest that during the selection process, attitude and cultural fitness will bring better long term results than specific skill sets and aptitudes. But while these studies tell… Read more »


According to surveys, statistics and countless anecdotal accounts, modern employees between the ages of 22 and 35 have earned a reputation that sets them apart from younger workers in other generations. For example, all young workers tend to be curious and innovative, but modern millennials are especially so. And all younger workers tend to be… Read more »


Most HR experts and experienced hiring managers are beginning to agree: It’s time to stop using outdated interview questions with easily-scripted responses and limited value. Questions like “Can you describe your greatest strengths?” were once a staple during a typical interview, but these kinds of questions are now being replaced by more complex conversation starters… Read more »