If the very thought of a high stake conversation with a stranger makes your palms a little sweaty, and you place job interviews among life’s most necessary but utterly dreaded tasks, you aren’t alone. There are plenty of places for shy people in the working world, even in positions of leadership. But in order to… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Temporary Staffing Fort Worth
Your sourcing, selection and hiring policies may be close to perfect, and you may have no trouble attracting the most talented candidates on the market. But if you struggle to hold onto these candidates for more than three years, your staffing program can still use some work. And if you have trouble keeping these candidates… Read more »
At some point during your candidate interviews, you’ll need to place skill sets to the side and shift your focus to the applicant’s cultural adaptability. Studies show that cultural alignment can serve as a strong indicator of future success, even among candidates who lack specific skill sets or training. Job related skills can be taught,… Read more »