As you assemble a list of references to submit to prospective employers, you carefully choose every name. You make sure these are people who can be trusted, people who will speak well of you, and people who have the native intelligence, critical thinking skills, and social savvy that can turn your flaws into assets and… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Temporary Staffing in Athens
As you start submitting resumes and searching for your next employer, set your sites high. You don’t want just any job…you want the right job. You want a great company that will respect your talents and work as hard for you as you do for them. And as it happens, great companies and mediocre ones… Read more »
What new challenges and opportunities will 2015 bring to the staffing and hiring arena? What obstacles will hiring managers face as the economic slowdown fades into the rearview mirror and the labor market tightens? Unemployment is dropping, higher education is in a state of flux, and manufacturing facilities are returning to domestic shores after decades… Read more »
You know that your target position is perfect for you, and vice versa. You have all (or most) of the qualifications and credentials listed in the post, and this organizational culture seems like a perfect match for your personality. But how can you prove to your potential employers that this relationship is guaranteed win for… Read more »