You’re about to step into a new position in an unfamiliar workplace, and you’re ready to hit this thing hard. You know that the impression you make during your first few weeks will have a powerful impact on your long term success, and you know the basic requirements of your position—But there are plenty to things you don’t know, and you’re ready to expect the unexpected. Here are a few tips that can help you face the challenges ahead and step into your new role with the right attitude.
1. The First Day
On your first day, focus on establishing surface level connections and impressions. Try hard to remember the name of those who are introduced to you (use mental notes and pneumonic devices) and take plenty of notes as you’re shown around and introduced to your new tasks. Stay engaged, maintain a cheerful expression, and keep a running list of the questions you’ll need to have answered.
2. The First Week
Don’t jump immediately into ongoing issues and ongoing relationships before you get the lay of the land. Listen first. Sit in on meetings without attempting to contribute just yet, and play a listening role in group conversations before you try to participate. Learn everything you can about this company’s culture and the nature of the projects you’ll be working on, and ask for a training schedule broken down by days and hours if you weren’t handed such a schedule on your first day.
3. The First Month
At this point, you should be able to walk in the door in the morning and get to work on your own projects without waiting for specific directions and guidance. Signs of growing independence will be your primary metric of success at this point. You may make a few mistakes, but if you bounce back quickly and show a high rate of learning and progress, your employers can’t ask for much more.
4. The First Three Months
By this point, you should be finding your feet. The number of mistakes you make per day/week should be dropping, and you should be forming stable relationships and earning the trust of your boss and coworkers. At this stage, you can begin reaching for higher levels of responsibility and taking real ownership over your projects and contributions.
Reach out to the staffing and business management professionals at Expert for more tips and guidance on developing a timeline for your transition.